In the time Elon Musk has owned Twitter every celebrity, pundit, podcaster, and CNN viewer has come out of the woodwork to decry his new vision for the social media giant. Many prominent personalities are threatening to leave the platform and take their bot armies with them if Musk doesn’t stop unbanning Fascists, but as of right now they’re stuggling (to put it mildly) with a Fediverse experience that mainly consists of them getting called f*ggots by anonymous accounts with Asuka pfps.
It’s clear in the time he’s owned the platform that Elon Musk wants to put his own personal stamp on Twitter. His new features include Twitter blue, an $8/month subscription service that gives you access to a verified checkmark, essentially reducing a distinction that users would pay four figures for, to the cost of a monthly Big Mac. Apparently there’s no way to cancel the subscription nor can one make changes to their profile once they have it, issues that Musk and his new team of Asian incels must remedy in the future, but until then it’s pretty funny to see 200 follower accounts calling themselves Piss Groyper have the same clout as mainstream journalists who’ve been on the platform for over a decade.
Musk has also stated that he wants to change the character limit on twitter from 280 words to 4000, a move that may be in response to the exposure alternative platforms such as Mastodon are getting as disillusioned liberals are moving their brands off of Twitter in response to Musk acquiring the company a couple months ago.
It seems Musk desires to turn Twitter into a forum with more broad based discussion as opposed to people needing to create a thread of 30 tweets just to express an opinion on a certain topic. Hopefully Musk will include a see more functionality so as to prevent ones timeline from devolving into a slog cluttered with Jacobin article-long missives about how grilled cheese sandwiches are racist or schizophrenic ramblings from some Q boomer who had a dream the ghost of Thomas Jefferson told him that Trump was going to be installed as president in two weeks.
Musk has also reinstated thousands of prominent right wing twitter accounts including that of the soon-to-be-indicted former president Donald Trump and his e-celeb hangers on like noted Andy Dick associate Anthime “Baked Alaska” Gionet. Trump has not returned to the platform because it would not be financially or legally prudent to do so, his legal team and investors at Truth Social likely made that very clear to him. But Baked is back tweeting like it’s still 2017 and seemingly unperturbed by his upcoming jail sentence for macing a bouncer back in 2020 compounded with his upcoming prison sentence for his involvement with the January 6th protest. Under Bakeds tweets are a slew of right wingers welcoming him back with “YOBA” in all caps, they either don’t know or don’t care that he was cooperating with federal prosecutors to avoid felony charges as recently as last year.
But despite the slew of changes, what really seems to perturb progressives about the new Twitter is Musk’s dismissal of the large majority of the company’s workforce, including the mostly female moderation team. We all know how vital women are to any tech company’s work force, who else can ban users accounts for questioning progressive orthodoxy while taking selfies with their iced lattes as well as they can?
Other Twitter higher ups left the company of their own accord, one of them is the former head of the trust and safety council and PhD holder Yoel Roth, who has said some…interesting things regarding minors and sexual consent.
Now far be it for me to suggest this guy is anything other than an upstanding tech employee who worked tirelessly to keep racism and illegal material off of the platform. I don’t want to be like the leftists I criticize and jump to conclusions about another person based on nothing but baseless accusations from unverified sources. We shouldn’t condemn this man simply for asking hypothetical questions, and if anything his PhD thesis should better outline his views regarding the subject.
Yeah what kind of monster would want to keep queer minors off of an adult dating website? It’s important that people under the age of 18 can experience the pleasures of chemsex in a nightclub bathroom with a man who may or may not be HIV positive and anyone who says otherwise is a fascist.
In all seriousness anyone with a good amount of influence who posts questionable things about kids on social media should be held to the same standards as the average person is if they tweet out an unflattering Facebook meme about AOC or whatever raises the hackles of the online left. Nowadays on social media the concept of a joke post is a nebulous concept; if you post something that could result in serious ramifications then you’d claim your post was made ironically, but if your post gains a lot of positive interaction then of course you claim you made it with the utmost seriousness. It’s all about context, and how people interpret your post, and whether or not it was just you bullshitting or making a serious social commentary; granted this all depends on whatever group you’re talking about. But the question is how seriously should we take it when someone posts something such as this:
What precludes Yoel from having to face consequences from what he tweets while your average Joe has to lose his job because some prog dug up a 9 year old tweet he made where he posted rap lyrics with the word n*gga in them? The fact that Yoel’s old tweets are being brought up again is in itself a problem for a good number of online leftists.
Nevermind that Yoel was responsible for content moderation on the world’s most popular social media platform and had a massive amount of influence, nevermind it was exposed that Yoels crew actively suppressed pro Trump accounts in the run-up to the 2020 election, and nevermind that CSAM was prevalent on the platform for years under Yoels watch, what’s really important is that a member of the progressive stack doesn’t come under scrutiny and any number of leftists will make it their personal mission to make sure that doesn’t happen.
With the revelations of Yoels old tweets a new discussion about pedophilia has started between political factions on social media. The entire online debate about child predation consistently devolves into progressives and conservatives lobbing pedophile accusations at one another. I’ve seen leftists state that just because they themselves haven’t seen any CSAM on their timelines than it must mean that right wingers are seeking it out for their own sick reasons.
It’s not showing up on the regular timeline because predators were using specific hashtags, and the practice of predators seeking out CP via these hashtags was only addressed when Elon took over twitter, but I dunno man accusing right wingers of heinous shit for guaranteed dopamine is a lot easier than coping with the fact the website you spend 18 hours a day on could possibly have harbored illegal material of minors being exploited. This dude also stated that if he did see CP on twitter that he would leave, and a number of his followers agreed with him.
And that takes me to my next point, all these leftists are left coping with the fact that the dismissal of a twitter staff that shared 99% of their views has left the website still functioning as well as it ever has. Musk brooming out a good number of his “woke” staff is an indictment of the views of a good number of leftists. Sure they make claim themselves to be victims of a racist patriarchy that extends to every aspect of society but anyone who’s used Twitter for a certain amount of time can testify to the fact the platform was undoubtedly under progressive influence. Leftists can feel this influence on the platform slipping and it terrifies them because they’ve convinced themselves into believeing that Twitter’s success was enitrely due to it being ran by fellow leftists. They can’t face the reality that, for all their adherance to progressive dogma, the days of them running Twitter are over. What’s more, they’re not needed anymore.
Who wants another 30-something ironybro who quote tweets Ben Shapiro accusing him of not being able to please his wife? Who wants another podcast hosted by detached millennial guys who have parents employed by Raytheon? Do we really need more childless guys in open relationships to run interference for drag queens, trannies, AOC, illegal aliens, drug addicts, and black criminals? And these people are threatening to leave Twitter now? I say don’t let the door hit you on the way out, motherfucker!
If any of these people had to deal with the attacks on their person or the censorship your average right winger had to endure for the better part of a decade they would crumble. They never even consider for a second that their views are echoed by every corporation, media figure, and major pundit in the country. that, of course, would require them to be introspective which is something they are not capable of. To them they’re always a persecuted minority and they act like their advocacy for other groups is something that proves their bonafides instead of just following the next trend as dictated by the progressive hegemony.
So if you don’t like Twitter anymore, just leave, there’s countless other college Zoomers who can do what you do with a fraction of the effort. And as much as you want to distance yourselves from blue haired radfems and liberal wine aunts you share all the same politics as them, and you all vote for the same kinds of candidates so stop larping as some revolutionary bro it’s getting sad.
But you’ll never leave Twitter, you can never extricate yourself from the cycle of likes and retweets no matter how hard you try. Unlike the right wingers who got banned 20 times and were forced to build a brand on the Fediverse in the last couple or years or publish content on video hosting platforms outside of YouTube you don’t have what it takes to do the same. You get so used to being “advertiser friendly” that you’re actively trying to suppress any thought that goes against the prog hegemony because it means you will lose clout. But that’s what it takes to rebuild off mainstream platforms and the sooner you realize that the sooner you can stop trying to advocate for people that don’t care if you live or die. It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything. And if you’re not willing to lose your twitter account for your beliefs, then I question whether you actually have any real beliefs at all.